Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Galloway Video #2

First of all thank you so much bloggy friends for the comments on my weird feeling! I really do think it was a migraine and I was perfectly fine the next day! Also welcome new followers:) I gained two new followers this week~YAY!!

I have a couple of giveaways to post but to be honest I feel kind of bummed today(upset over things at work and home not in a good mood and I skipped out on training run tonight~NOT good) and do NOT want to put my negative feelings into a review, so instead I am sharing the Jeff Galloway training video #2!


Description: Proper running and walking form is essential to reduce the risk of injury. The Jeff Galloway method teaches runners to stay upright, maintain a short stride and eliminate bounce. Let’s get training with Jeff Galloway.



BabyWeightMyFatAss said...

I nominated you for the stylish blogger award!

misszippy said...

Don't beat yourself up for missing one--just focus on getting it in next time! Thanks for sharing the video.