Friday, July 15, 2011

5 Things Friday- Hooray it's Friday :)


2. This was going to be the week I really got back on track. Monday and Tuesday was hotter than I don't know what, actually it was mostly due to the humidity. On Tuesday at 6am it was already a heat index of 90*! Not running in that kind of weather for sure, Sorry I am not much of a treadmill girl.

3. Although I haven't run this week I have tried to start getting up in the mornings and do some arm exercises with weights :) Just trying my own stuff like curls and things to work on my arms ~ they NEED serious attention. Any suggestions on workouts for arms/abs???

4. Have you seen the Gel-Bot? It's really cool. Try your luck at winning one HERE!!

5. Have I mentioned it's FRIDAY yet? HOORAY the work week is almost over :) Going back to work is so hard after vacation!

Have a GREAT weekend everyone! Anyone Racing ~ Good Luck!!


Teamarcia said...

Except for today, I've been relegated to the mill cuz the caveman's travelling. Probably a good week for that! Totally dreading 17 on Sunday.
curls and hammer curls
side lift, front lift
upright row
tricep kickback
I've got an awesome one for abs you do balancing on your tailbone (kind of boat pose) except you hold a dumbell and rotate it from side to side down to the mat. Do 20 fast and 20 slow. it KILLS!

Unknown said...

It's hot here too - turns out that it's a good summer to be off running, although I miss it dearly.