Monday, January 12, 2015

Goals for This Week- I WILL DO BETTER!

Hi All! Bet you thought I was gone and done again....well NOPE I'm not ready to give up yet! Most people make New Year's resolutions and I have in the past but this year I am just going to work on improving myself overall. We shall see what happens but so far I feel like I am off to a great start!

Remember last week how I posted my goals for the week and how if I put it in writing I would have to be committed right?? And I also said how I can handle cold but cold and wind was another story if I don't have to than I'd rather not. Well it was really cold, like single digits, and windy every day last week! Except Tuesday we actually made it out the door that morning and we had a pretty darn good run!

Then came Saturday and it was FREEZING at a balmy 5°. But we did it, we did not back out and whine about how it was too cold! We took the lesser end of the mileage and only did 6 miles but we did it! And we had a pretty big crew of 7 of us! Umm HELLO I am a blogger again why didn't I get another group picture of us??? That's something I can start working on:) But Sherry was thinking much clearer than I and took a picture of us!
Me & Sherry
The picture doesn't show all of the ice on her hat and hair LOL! I probably had some on me but my colors didn't show it!

Well I am going to put my Goals for the Week in writing again and hopefully do much better this week!

Complete 12 miles from Tuesday- Friday- winter weather can be unpredictable so its hard to say what days we will go for sure.
Long Run Saturday 8 miles

Completely doable I see NO reason what so ever why I can't reach this week's goals!

Do you 'Beat' Yourself up Not reaching your Goals for the Week or Mileage Goal? I decided this past week I was giving myself a break with the cold weather. I put in lots of miles from October- December and never really got much of a break as long as I got a couple of days in I am HAPPY!

Run Happy;)

1 comment:

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I haven't set weekly running goals for awhile and I have to admit that it feels kinda good not to stress about it. I just try to run 4 times a week. That said I am starting to train for a half and I will stress if I don't get my runs in. Winter does make it harder!