Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Please Forgive & Bare With Me

So I am sure y'all had already marked me off ....again.....BUT hold up!! I'm not gone yet LOL! I just haven't been feeling very positive lately and didn't want to relay that in my posts.  I had a pep talk with myself about how I am going to change and be more positive and way less negative. Well that lasted about 5 mins after I woke up. I am sure everyone (or at least I hope most) have felt this way
"Someone should have warned me better about being an adult!" GEEZ!

I think deep down I am more worried about my life problems more than I think (and let on to others) cause the last few days I have really felt like crap. Sunday night I bet I didn't sleep more than 30-45 mins since midnight!

BUT anyhoo.....I have been working on myself. I've ran a few races in the last few weeks some good and some not so great. And I've got back into 5am running a couple of times a week which really stinks getting up so early however I really enjoy it and it helps me mentally!

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoor
5am runners

So PLEASE PLEASE don't give up on me yet. I am coming back. Hopefully again tomorrow!!

Run Happy ;)